

The town of Pateros views sports and recreation as important factors to promote good health and solidarity among its residents.

There is no park in the town or wide-open space which people can congregate and do their recreational activities. The most that they have are the schoolyards and the church grounds. The most popular sport activity are the outdoor types in which basketball is the most popular, followed by volleyball. As of 1997, there were eight (8) basketball courts in Pateros. The front yards of schools also serve as basketball and volleyball fields for the enthusiasts and school children. The forms of indoor recreation in the town are dart, billiard, table tennis and bowling. Private halls and alleys are available in some barangays. There is one (1) cockpit arena in Barangay Martires del '96. The existing sports and recreational facilities can stand improvement and better maintenance. In general, there is a dearth of recreational facilities in Pateros.